This blouse a special offer today. You can have at 0 % regular price.
——期刊摘选Now you can own the Lektron Kool for $ 40 or $ 50 less than the regular price.
互联网Your savings is 50 % off the regular price by ordering online!
互联网The regular price is $ 149.
互联网Thank you, I will, but the drinks at the regular price again by then, eh?
谢谢, 我会来的.不过到那时饮料又恢复原价, 对吧?
互联网Now save over 50 % off regular price by ordering online!
互联网Everything at that store be 10 percent off the regular price.
互联网The blouse is the special offer today. You can have it at 10 % off regular price.
互联网If you buy two pens at regular price, we will give you one at half price.
要是你按原价买两支钢笔, 再买一支就半价.
互联网The regular price is $ 1.25, but we are offering them at 99 c.
标准价为1.25美元, 但是我们可以按99美分出售.
互联网Its regular price is $ 56, and now you can have it with a twenty percent discount.
原价是56美元, 现在可以让你打八折买下.
互联网" The regular price is $ 1.25, but we are offering them at $ 99 . "
通常价格是1.25美元, 但我们只收他们 99 美元.
英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语Of course, their prices were exorbitant - three to four times the regular price - or even more!
当然, 他们的商品价格也高得吓人,是正常价格的 3--4 倍,有时甚至更高!
互联网That's a lot more than the regular price!
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